Now, think really different

Fatal Error is a series of interviews with tech leaders about the climate emergency and tech’s contribution. What do they think? Is it even OK to talk about this and what should we be doing?

Series 2: Climate Entrepreneurs (Summer 2020)

Series 1: Software Leaders (Winter 2020)

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Purpose & Background

As the climate emergency unfolds tech companies are mostly in business-as-usual mode. We are changing that.

Climate change is now a backdrop to all of us: whether we’re running software companies, fishing, writing code, or working the land. Inaction is tantamount to denial.

Saying you’re not an “expert” is no longer an excuse. We’re good at learning: it’s time to learn sustainability, deeply.

Tech companies claim to thrive on change and disruption. It’s therefore time to walk the talk, lead the change that’s needed, and fulfil the promise tech claims to make: improving lives.

To steal a phrase, it’s time to think different.